Blogoversary give -away

April 30, 2011

Wow… it’s been 2 years today since I started blogging!

I’m pretty stocked that I have kept it up and that you guys have kept coming back for more.


Last year I had a harrysdesk bag to give away, so I spent a long time wondering how I could celebrate this year.

So…… here’s what I have decided.

This year I have designed a new bag shape…. and it will be the prize.

That’s right, it isn’t made yet….. but it looks something like the sketch.

You all get to choose the colours.

I will make three…. in the most favoured colours.

One will be given away randomly to one of you, and I will list the other two on etsy for sale. A 10% discount for every entry you make will come off your purchase …. should you choose to buy one of these.

To enter leave a comment below telling me what your colour choice is….

…if you want more entries, you can…. blog it, facebook it, tweet it….. or some other creative form of getting the harrysdesk name out there.

Just leave a comment and tell me what you did and I will enter you as many times as you promote what I do.

I probably don’t need to say this…. but I love creativity… so if you think of an exceptionally creative way to tell others about what I do …. extra entries will come to you.

The bag will also be named after the winner.

The competition ends May 30th.

88 Responses to “Blogoversary give -away”

  1. Samara said


    Love how it looks on the sketch!… I’m thinking lovely bright yellows… esp seeing as it’s been so dreary lately!

    samara x

  2. congratulations for you bloganniversary. I love your bag too. orange, yellow, green. hugs

  3. how fun! what a great idea; I am in need of a smooth beige bag with some colored highlights

  4. Kate said

    Congratulations! You’ve truly outlasted any of my blogging efforts (long ditched). Love Harry’s Desk every time I have a look through what you’re creative hands have been constructing. I think that deep aubergine/purples with burnt orange and a refreshing green would be a great look for one of these bags

  5. Kate said

    Ha, just saw my little monster profile pic! Love it. Thinking about colours again. Deep/bright purple with a cherry red and strips of burnt/bold orange are also a terrific combination

  6. Congrats!!! 🙂 That’s so inspiring!

    I think a damask would be amazing… something tiffany blue and black…. or maybe even emerald green. So pretty!

  7. Thora said

    Happy blogoversary Ally! I love stopping by to catch up on some of your creative output, and to see the girls growing. THey are all beautiful 🙂

    I would love a bag that was olive green, with some burnt orange and red highlights. And the lining should be peacock blue 🙂

  8. Susan Ravenhall said

    2 years is impressive.
    All shades of pink.

  9. ali said

    Yay! – for your blogging and your bag. Might sound a bit dull, but I find myself into wearing greys at the moment. So, greys/silver tones with a hint of paleish pink for a girly touch perhaps for me.

  10. Stephanie said

    I am entering because mine is in storage and I don’t know how long it will be there for…lol… You know I love purple but I am going through an orange and yellow phase with my therapy quilt so I’ll stick with those colours! Hope you are getting some work done today!!

    xo Steph

  11. Stephanie said

    facebooked it twice… I am good like that!! Now let me think of a really creative way to get it out there… Maybe a banner off a building?

    xo Steph

  12. Ally, this looks terrific!! Will you also be selling tutorials/patterns for it? I think you should 🙂 Red tones would work for me.x

  13. Thora said

    PS Also facebooked it 🙂

  14. quinn said

    oh man, ally! i love this.
    i think that if you did a khaki color for the outside and then for the lining and rosette maybe a bright color (yellow??)
    i am wanting to sit down and sew again. i miss it. 🙂
    (I also think Quinn would be a wonderful name for a bag.)

  15. Vanessa Murphy said

    I’ll go for black and purple. I’m sure it will look lovely whatever colour!

  16. Toni said

    Hi Ally, Your bags are a touch of you, craftfully coloured, classic, with a point of difference. Love your work, love the blog (love the fact that its user interactive), the very best best wishes for future success to you. Il watch for future blogs from you. TBIRD from Boggabri.

    • allysonadeney said

      Well hello Toni Bird!
      Who would have thought you and my Tim would end up working along side each other at Chippendale. For sure….. Boggabri is better without the both of us!.

  17. Ellena said

    Lovely bag – I would love it in greys and blacks with a bit of orange and red!

    I’m going to facebook about the comp too 🙂


  18. Caroline E said

    This new bag is called Earley,
    It’s for Ally’s blogoversery.
    For 2 years she’s been
    a Sewer most keen
    Of bags, owls and rosettes so curly.

  19. Caroline E said

    I’ll ask R to facebook this, since I have no clue how to do it.

    I love purple, and purple and silver. 🙂

  20. […] three in the most asked for colour, give one away  and put the other two in my etsy shop….. with the possibility of massive discounts, up to 100% Leave your comments here… or on the original […]

  21. Nicole said

    I’m thinking green or purple. But I love all your bags!

  22. Belinda said

    The colours of my dining room curtins! Though not sure what to call the shade of blue that it is. Its a grey blue. White and red look great with it and it goes well with our pink walls. I also think that my chocolate and cream furniture look good with it as well. So that is the colour bag I would like! xx

    Please note this was posted way past my bed time and may seem a bit strange!

  23. LIZ COX said

    I love purple and lime/olive green: rich jewel colours like amethyst and peridot. On their own they are great or you could throw in red or hot pink too which is always exciting! ( hmm I think I just described the colours of my necklace that I wore to Rachel’s wedding!

  24. svenja said

    Thanks for stopping by in my Blog and my Giveaway. I gonna jump into yours as well ;D I can not have enough bags ;D

    Would be so nice to win, specially that this is a new shape that no one has.

    Thanks for the chance.


  25. Gill said

    How about grey with orange or yellow?

  26. Gill said

    I’m going to email my sewing group to tell them about this!
    I don’t have a blog or do FB or twitter!!

  27. Melanie T said

    Always red:) Thanks for the chance! thurbs8(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  28. Esther Pawliw said

    Looks like a lovely bag! I’m thinking teal and chocolate brown would be fantastic!

  29. Leslie said

    I love hot pinks and lime greens!

  30. sharmie said

    greeeeeen! 🙂

  31. laura said

    hum…aquas and reds? love the giveaway! thanks!

  32. Jenna said

    Great idea! I love greens and blues.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    jmhamlin826 AT yahoo DOT com

  33. Abby said

    My color choice would be deep purple and dark green! Two beautiful colors that I think go so lovely together!

  34. Kiza M said

    Lovely bag. 🙂 I always tend to favor bright colors – red, orange, yellow. Thank for taking part in Giveaway Day, and Happy Blogiversary!

  35. Helen said

    I like purple and red, but I don’t know if they go together.

  36. lorraine said

    orange orange orange..thanks!

  37. sangeetha said

    blue, green, grey

  38. Delaina said

    Fun idea, I’m thinking a light blue would look great!


  39. Lauren said

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I think grey and red would be appropriate. The FAME of having a bag named after you, oh i dont know if i could handle it. lets find out. 🙂

  40. Leanna said

    How about some nice grey and yellow fabrics! Fun times!

  41. Sarah said

    It would look great in teals and black! how fun!


  42. Margaret said

    I’m thinking navy and gray. Congratulations on your blogiversary!

  43. Valerie said

    I love bright colors, so I’d love to see this in orange, pink, and lime green or black!

  44. Skooks said

    I’m going to have to go with my favorite color combo as of late . . . gray, soft blue, and orange. Looks like it will be a sweet bag.

  45. Glenda said

    I would love a black,red and grey bag. Great giveaway.

  46. Black if it’s just one color.

    Black, red, grey if it can be a combo!

  47. Binks said

    I would love to see a bag in gray with some pops of a fun color (yellow maybe)

  48. Viki said

    I love bright colors. This looks like a very fun design.

  49. Helen said

    That’s a good shape.I’d go for black and white.

  50. Gina said

    I’m excited to see the final bag because the sketch makes it look wonderful and practical! As for colours, I do love bright vibrant colours, though I’m thinking that it would look lovely in a black and white pattern (damask perhaps?), and line it in a bright kelly green or lemon yellow!

  51. Renee E. said

    Anything in green would be a blessing to me!!

  52. Fiona said

    Thanks for commenting on my blog, love that sketch and for me I’d say brown/yellows/golds!

    Thanks Fi

  53. Marissa said

    I think it would be lovely in some shades of green.

  54. elflyn said

    I’m thinking classic greys, red and black!

  55. Danijela said

    Wow,bags always welcome,count me in,please.

  56. Tas said

    Something dramatic- red; maybe with some green.
    Will like to see the transition from drawing to real life.

  57. Amy Sudimack said

    Beautiful pattern! How about blues and browns?

  58. Jamie G said

    I always love greens and browns. A perfect shape for my type of bag!

  59. rose said

    I share your bag passion its so practical and beautiful. This pattern will be very interesting made up mmmm, colours??? Rich colours, perhaps tones of one colour with some contrasting blasts of colour sparingly injected. Or a watercolour effect of prints. Lots of linen and then some pretty prints and a richly embroidered butterfly might look great. Oops I’m getting a bit carried away with your design. Thank for the opportunity to share.

  60. Patty said

    Neat idea for a giveaway. Blues, or blue and yellow.
    ppod1too at gmail dot com

  61. I love pink or peach!
    Thanks for the chance 😀

  62. Thank you for the great giveaway.
    atchisonsteph at gmail dot com
    Myfav.color is blue

  63. Serena said

    The bag design looks great! I like anything green, or yellow, or purple. OK, I’m really not picky. I just love color! Thank you for the giveaway–sorry I can’t help with a creative way to tell people what you do. I’m terrible at that type of thing!

  64. I’d love a bag in any variation of turquoise/aqua/peacock, etc. My favourites of all!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  65. ashley said

    Nice bag design. I think it would be well suited in shades of purple, with a little yellow.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    rascarborough (at) gmail (dot) com

  66. ElfRenee said

    Pretty! How about different shades of browns?

  67. stephanie said

    how fun!!…cute blog too! Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. I love anything with lots of bright colors. you are great! :)Happy giveaway day!

  68. Claire said

    I’d love a Black bag with Turquoise in it somewhere. Thanks so much for the chance to help create it.

  69. Wendy Hatton said

    I’m a blue person…denim and florals would be nice.

  70. Theresa Nelson said

    Hmm, anything yellow…and polka dots???is that a color…:)

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  71. Jayne Willis said

    How cool is that?! I love all colors…bright…lime greens, turquoise…YUM!

  72. Mandy said

    Oh I’m terrible at picking color combinations 🙂 I’d probably go with yellows and oranges though in honor of summer!

  73. Jo Avery said

    Oh I think I just got in on this one, thanks for telling me about it when you entered my giveaway! I would go for green, especially grassy/mossy green.

  74. Jackie W. said

    Happy Blogiversary! I would love the colors yellow and grey

  75. Congratulations on your blogiversary! My two favorite colors are copper & peach (but not together). 🙂
    Thanks for entering my giveaway & sharing a link to yours. Have a great day! 🙂

  76. Keri Schorah said

    Great Bag! Shades of Green and Grey! Happy Blogiversary! I don’t do facebook or twitter or any of those social networking sites but I got my sister in law to post on her facebook and on her twitter account so everyone in New Jersey, USA will know all about your new bag! 🙂

  77. Beth Braga said

    Hi! I’m glad I’ve remembered to post before the end of the comp!
    I think grey and lime green.

  78. […] last entries for the giveaway bag have to be in by midnight […]

  79. Milika said

    I like the design.
    How about some yellow or orange hues?

  80. lizzy said

    just facebooked you xxx would love anything in shades of green! one idea to get the name out there is to photograph a group of your products and get people to ‘tag’ themselves in the pic via facebook and the winner gets a prize or whatever. the photo gets viewed by hundreds/thousands then! keep up the creating and well done on being so disciplined for 2yrs!

  81. Heidi broadbent said

    Upon recent reflection…… Green to go with my winter coat.

  82. Amanda Spedding said

    Love the new style, Ally! Green is my clear fave, followed very closely by purple. And Happy blogaversary!

  83. Hayley Martin said

    They say that blue and green should never be seen, but this bag is crying out for blues and greens with yes, maybe a touch of yellow to brighten up the day … Very funky bag!

  84. Meredith said

    Beautiful bag. Beautiful blog. Happy anniversary.
    I would go for deep blues.

  85. Cath said

    Man, have any two of those 86 other entries said exactly the same combination of colours?? I don’t envy you having to sift out the 3 most popular!

    I like greens, or pinks with red. I like blue too.

    Happy blogoversary Ally!

  86. […] Lots of you will have an extra 10% discount on this price…and some even 20%….. due to the special anniversary bag give-away. […]

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