Will I make it this Christmas?- gifts little people can help with

October 9, 2009

Given it’s school holidays, and some of us have kids at home keen for craft, I suggest you harness their power toward gifts.

I have put together a group of projects that children can do…. or at least help with.

Clicking on the picture will take you directly to the tutorial.



Button wrap! by Martha Stewart. Image form there as well.

This one could be the base of an advent calender.

You could use the paper you make in the first tutorial …..

Paper Christmas stockings..... Photo from Martha Stewart

Paper Christmas stockings..... Photo from Martha Stewart

For the littler ones…… read the comments (on the link) for hints on storage.

Yes it's Martha again. Photo from her site.

Twisted pipecleaner stars.Yes it's Martha again. Photo from her site.

I know this one is black …. and black isn’t really very Christmas….. but use your imagination and imagine it red, or silver, or white…… you get the idea.

If you want to be extra thrifty, use strips of fabric instead of ribbon or grosgrain. The look will be a little more messy, but maybe more homely and handmade.

This would make a great present for grandma.... image from the long thread.

Ribbon Wreath. This would make a great present for grandma.... image from the long thread.

While we are on the wreath theme, here is another gift. Aunts and Grandmas will be more than  happy to wear these creations made by the little people in their lives. The same cannot be said for all gifts made by little people!

Alternatively attach a long ribbon loop and make them for the tree. Then they could be a gift for the very difficult Grandad.


Tiny button wreath. Image from Martha Stewart.

For the scientific types, and those who enjoy getting their hands dirty. Try these!

Photo from One Hour Craft.

Bath Bombs. Photo from One Hour Craft.

As always, let me know how you go. If today is anything like yesterday…. none of you are going outside.

One Response to “Will I make it this Christmas?- gifts little people can help with”

  1. […] *make wrapping paper from stamps or buttons Dress -up […]

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